Leading Journal of the Irish & UK Fishing Industries

Peterhead Port Authority will be promoting its role as Europe’s premier fishing port, with more than £200m worth of whitefish, pelagic fish and shellfish traded over the quaysides in 2019.

As custodian of this Gateway to a Sea of Opportunities, PPA has invested more than £50m in a new state-of-the-art fishmarket, which is AA-rated by the British Reputation through Compliance Global Standards, and improved infrastructure, underlying its dedication to improving quality throughout the seafood supply chain.

In 2019, PPA was given the accolade of the UK’s first Responsible Fishing Port by Seafish, followed shortly thereafter by the award of Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Chain of Custody status.

These accreditations signify the commitment of the Board and staff of Peterhead Port Authority to sustainability and welfare throughout the fishing industry.