Leading Journal of the Irish & UK Fishing Industries

Based in Norway, Marine Control Services (MCS) delivers Evolution IAS Integrated Automation Systems for all types of vessels, including a number of pelagic fishing vessels in the UK in recent years.

With 35 years’ experience in the marine industry, Evolution IAS drives MCS to the forefront of eco-driving & monitoring of energy consumption, solidifying the company’s position as a well-established solution provider.

Speaking of the success of the Evolution IAS system, MCS Managing Director, Gunn Koppergård says, “We recently delivered the system on board the  “Reval Viking” with integration to Blueflow Energy Management (cloud solution). Evolution IAS monitors fuel and energy consumption on many different measurement points on the vessel.  Blueflow OnboardTM collects the data which is constantly sent to Blueflow OnlineTM (cloud solution) for reporting, analyses, and verification.

“Blueflow OnlineTM makes it possible for the staff to create smart reports and detailed analyses with tools designed to inspire the user to focus and optimize fuel and energy consumption.”

With a longstanding relationship with leading Danish shipbuilding company, Karstensens Skipsværft, MCS have recently announced that they will deliver the Evolution IAS system to 7 new purser/trawlers over the course of the next year.

Visit stand F5 to find out more about the systems MCS have on offer and how they can improve the efficiency of your vessel.

MCS delivered the Evolution IAS system on board the “Reval Viking”