The Marine Institute’s 2024 edition of its renowned Stock Book is available online from the Marine Institute website . This annual publication provides impartial, science-based insights into the status of 74 key fish stocks critical to Ireland, underpinning decisions on sustainable fishing practices and quotas for 2025.
Dr Ciaran Kelly, Director of Fisheries and Ecosystem Advisory Services at the Marine Institute, emphasised the transformative impact of investment in marine research. “Over the last two decades, Ireland has significantly enhanced its capacity for data collection and the development of critical expertise. This investment continues to yield tangible benefits in the form of improved scientific advice and more sustainable seafood production. Marine Institute scientists remain at the forefront of global fisheries research, making substantial contributions to the work of the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES).”
Key Highlights from the 2024 Stock Book
The 2024 edition reflects positive trends, with notable recovery observed in several fish stocks. Haddock, whiting, monkfish off the west of Scotland, boarfish, and horse mackerel show sustainable growth, validating the progress achieved through national and EU policies aimed at long-term sustainability. However, challenges persist, particularly with cod, whiting, haddock, and herring stocks in the Celtic Sea, which remain in decline. Ongoing efforts are crucial to restoring these critical stocks.
Rick Officer, CEO of the Marine Institute, celebrated the dedication behind the Stock Book’s creation, “The Stock Book encapsulates the tremendous rigor, effort, and dedication of our scientists over the past year. From data collection aboard our state-of-the-art vessels, RV Tom Crean and RV Celtic Explorer, to complex analyses, this work demonstrates the Marine Institute’s well-developed capacity in fisheries science – now spanning more than three decades. Our collaboration with ICES ensures the provision of robust, independent scientific advice to support sustainable fisheries management, which is vital to Ireland’s coastal economies and seafood sector.”
A Collaborative Effort Towards Sustainability
Marine Institute scientists dedicate over 200 days annually to monitoring fisheries resources, equivalent to 2,000 scientist days at sea. Onshore and at sea sampling programs measure over half a million fish, with detailed age estimations for an additional 56,000 specimens across commercial species. These data are integrated with international contributions through ICES, culminating in the Stock Book’s comprehensive assessments.
The Stock Book serves as an indispensable reference for diverse stakeholders, including the DAFM Ministerial negotiation team, environmental NGOs, and academic institutions. It supports decision-making aligned with the Common Fisheries Policy sustainable food production and compliance with EU obligations.
Ireland’s Blue Economy: A Foundation for Growth
In 2023, Irish vessels landed approximately 176,000 tonnes of wild-caught fish, supporting coastal communities and a seafood processing industry. The Marine Institute’s continued efforts in data collection and international collaboration ensure the sustainable management of Ireland’s valuable marine resources, a cornerstone of its Blue Economy.
The 2024 Stock Book is available online at the Marine Institute website. Its development is supported by the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF), underscoring a commitment to fostering a sustainable marine future.
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